Friday, 24 August 2012

Cymmer Off Road & Tuska Tri (Welsh Sprint Championships)

Cymmer Off-Road Triathlon 

Right up the arse end of the A41...4..something...18...4? this small off-road tri is a gem in the rough. No, wait, a diamond in the polish. Fuck it, it’s a good event.

The 600m pool swim went well, bar the fact that I ate early then forgot about the hanging around involved in pool based tri’s. I then started hammering the gels like some form of High5 junkie. Nabbed the 2nd quickest swim of the day.

The bike route had changed before the event due to some pissy tree disease. So it was basically out on a road – climb up the forest – descend down the forest – back on the same road. Not the most exciting or technical routes, but a good climb would be able to separate the field slightly. Bar almost descending blind due to the amount of shite that was being thrown up into my eyes, it was pretty much straight forward. I genuinely can’t make this more excit...oh, I saw a fox. A ginger one.

Onto the run, we’d have to do 2 x 3k laps. It’s a great run; out on a cycle path, across a massive river (stream), then back on a dirt track where it got pretty tight with overtaking.

This really isn’t excit...oh, I saw a cat. A black one.

Anyway, finished 2nd overall and lost out to Simon Thornton. Who’s pretty handy.

Tuska Triathlon – Welsh Sprint Distance Championships

Wanted to give this event a real good crack.

My swimming had been going great towards the end of this season, so to feel like I couldn’t really get started on the morning was a disappointment.

Getting out the water in the second group, there was a gap of over 2 minutes already. Not ideal, but let’s face it, going out the wrong way of T1 didn’t help the matter either. Belated apologies to Lewys Winfield-Young and Richard Dando for taking them too...pretty sure I said this after the last race, but next season, actually listen to what the race briefing has to say. Tuh-wat.

The bike was a strange one. I felt pretty much shite the entire way round, but my time wasn’t *too* bad. I’ve neglected my cycling over the last couple months and it’s shown, but still, I was happy with how it went and made up a handful of places. And yeah, Tuska is not flat.

The run was going to be interesting as I came back into T2 with 3 others around the same time. Despite only being able to do one run a week for the last month or so, I’m surprised at how well I’m running these days. I was able to put a small gap into the guys around me and was starting to catch a couple guys in front, but simply ran out of k’s to bridge it. Again, I made up a couple positions on the run and gave pretty much all I had left. Finished 15th overall. *thumb up*

In terms of the field, that has to be the strongest sprint field I’ve raced against. It’s a good yard stick to measure myself with and with a solid winter under my belt, I’ll be looking forward to 2013...although I still don’t know what I’ll be doing (bar an attempt at a sub 2:10 Olympic time).

So, in terms of a comeback season. I’m fucking ecstatic. Considering I’ve been running once/twice a week since March and the fact I’m racing again, I really can’t complain. A big middle finger to the consultant who said to “give up running as you’re not built for it”.

5 races. 3 podiums. 36th at a European Championship and 15th at a National Championship. Pass me the beer.

Next up for me is a week in Greece with no trainers/bike then onto a ‘mystery trip’ to somewhere in Europe with 5 mates – guaranteed to hurt more than any race this year.

Oh....and an entry to Rother Valley Tri – an AG selection race for the ETU Sprint Champs in Turkey. Still undecided.

Last one, I also fell off a childs BMX on a night out with some mates.

1 comment:

  1. Mystery trip. What? You getting married or something? Oh...and nicely done. Must have been the fox.
